Brad Pitt Joined Sobriety Group after his Split with Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt admits that he had to work on himself after breaking up with Angelina Jolie.

In a New York Times interview, Pitt said he joined Alcoholics Anonymous for a year and a half after he and Jolie split in 2016.

Pitt explained, "I had taken things as far as I could take it, so I removed my drinking privileges. You had all these men sitting around being open and honest in a way I have never heard. It was this safe space where there was little judgment, and therefore little judgment of yourself."

No one in the therapy sold Pitt out to the tabloids. He said, "It was actually really freeing just to expose the ugly sides of yourself. There's great value in that."

Have you ever been to a recovery group? Did it help you get through your trying times?

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