Angela Cortez

Angela Cortez

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Dark Triad Personality Test: Find Out How Much of a Psychopath You Are

This is all in fun, but I'm always interested to see where I land on these personality test. I took the Dark Triad Personality Test. This test will give you an idea of how inclined someone is towards three personality traits commonly associated with malice: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

Narcissism is the personality trait of vanity and self-admiration and may involve a belief that one is better than other people. Machiavellianism is the personality trait of being unprincipled and manipulative, and may involve behaving in a way that achieves a certain aim by whatever means necessary. Psychopathy is the trait of lacking empathy and behaving in an impulsive way.

My results were heavy on the Narcissism, a good amount of Machiavellianism and a dash of Psychopath! LOL! Again all in fun.

Want to take the test? Click here.

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