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San Lorenzo For The People

COVID-19 has affected the world in ways that none of us could’ve predicted. More than that, it’s hurt those who are already down- the houseless community of the Bay Area.

Luckily, a group of activists from the East Bay have taken it upon themselves to organize a fund to create hygiene kits to share with those in need. The group was specifically targeting the village of San Lorenzo after realizing there weren’t many points of relief for the houseless community in the area. 

It all began with a group FaceTime call and a tweet on July 19th.

After the word was out, a flyer was created to clarify the materials needed. 

With the support of the local community they were able to raise over $2,500, not including physical donations. The ladies behind the initiative used the funds to order.

In the end, they created 203 hygiene kits that included materials such as, but not limited to: Socks, dental kits, shaving cream, first-aid supplies, toilet paper, baby wipes, etc. 

Earlier today, the kits were distributed throughout camps in San Lorenzo, San Leandro, and Hayward.

They hope to work on more initiatives like these, and other ways to promote equity and inclusivity. 

You can follow @slzforthepeople on IG for updates on this initiative and future projects. 

Photo: @AngelinaOnAir

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