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Help Support Tennyson High's Football Team In Hayward

John Pangelina has been coaching at Tennyson High School for over 10 years. As the new head coach of the football team in Hayward, he's found himself ---like many coaches across the country--- in a difficult situation provide funding for the football program. Due to the pandemic, normal door to door fundraisers are no longer safe or acceptable for student athletes to participate in. Pangelina shared,

"I started this go fund me to raise money for our football program in a safe way. Your donations will go 100% to our football program and the needs of our student athletes. Your Contributions will help pay for basic necessities needed for the season such as healthy food to eat after school and before game nights, game socks, team apparel, first aid supplies, videographer to film our games, Stat crew, water and Gatorade for practice and games. I’ve been buying bottled water all summer for our team and its getting expensive. I know it’s late to start a fundraiser but those of you who know me know that I’ve put my all into this program and donate personally and have had a lot donated to this school but now I’m asking for support from my community and anyone in position to help me help my team."

If you'd like to help Tennyson's football team click here!

Photo: AngelinaOnAir

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