A fast food worker in Utah is out of a job after a customer caught him peeing in the kitchen.
The incident happened at about 5:30 a.m. Sunday after Lehi resident Robert Talivakoala pulled up to the drive-thru speaker at Rancherito's, a fast food eatery in Draper, police say. When he didn't get a response, Talivakoala pulled up to the window to see what was going on -- and what he saw was the last thing he expected. A male employee was standing in the kitchen with his fly open, peeing into a floor drain. Naturally, he caught the incident on video, which quickly went viral.
As soon as news of the clip reached Rancherito's management, the employee was fired, according to owner Peria Lee. "It makes us really sad, because that’s not who we are," Lee says. "He just said that he made a dumb choice. I asked, ‘Why you did it?’ He didn’t know what to say." But it didn't end there -- as soon as the Salt Lake County Health Department heard about it, the restaurant was shut down so it could be sanitized. It reopened on Monday.
What's the grossest thing you've seen a fast food employee do? Is there a particular restaurant you refuse to eat at?
Photo: Getty Images