Parents, take note: Young people who play online games all day aren't completely worthless.
As proof, look no further than Texas, where 20-year-old Dia Lathora managed to save the life of an online gamer 5,000 miles away. She'd been playing against 17-year-old Aldan Jackson, who lives in England, when she heard something in her headset that didn't sound quite right. "I heard what I could only describe as a seizure, so obviously I started to get worried and immediately started asking what was going on and if he was OK," Lathora says. "When he didn’t respond I instantly started to look up the emergency number for the EU."
Jackson's parents, who were downstairs when he suffered the life-threatening seizure, didn't even know anything was wrong until emergency personnel showed up at their door. "They said there was an unresponsive male at the address," his mom says. "We said we hadn’t called anyone and they said a call had come from America." Caroline Jackson says she believes Lathora's quick response saved her son. "We are extremely thankful for what Dia did -- and shocked that we could be downstairs and not know anything was happening," she says.
Have you ever developed a relationship with someone you never met?
Photo: Getty Imag