The state of Georgia is planning on re-opening a lot of things this week. The coronavirus shutdown of gyms, barbershops and beauty salons will be lifted.
Cardi B has a word of caution about the move if people decide to get out and about.
She responded to a Baller Alert IG Post announcing the Georgia re-openings. Cardi commented, "I just want to let people DONT GO AROUND YOUR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS! Once there sick and in the hospital wit covid you won't be able to see how and what they treating them with. They will literally have them die slow."
She continued, "They are not nurturing covid patience [sic] with the proper foods, tea to boost their immunes. STRAIGHT MEDICATION! Your parents, grandparents or YOU will most likely pass by yourself in a cold hospital with no physical contact with your love ones. HEALTH OVER CAPITALISM."
What do you think about Georgia's ruling? Too fast or right on time?
Photo: Getty Images