Crystal Rosas

Crystal Rosas

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Ohio Man Dies from COVID-19 after Calling Pandemic 'Bullsh**'

A story that's making the rounds on the Internet claims a conspiracy theorist who claimed the coronavirus pandemic was nothing more than a "political ploy" met an ironic fate when he died from complications of COVID-19. While the tale may fall in line with the fabrications that populate cyberspace, fact-checking websiteSnopesconfirms it actually happened.

Columbus, Ohio resident John McDaniel, 60, first questioned the legitimacy of the coronavirus on March 15th, writing on social media, "If what I’m hearing is true, that [Ohio Governor Mike] DeWine has ordered all bars and restaurants to be closed, I say bullsh**! He doesn’t have the authority!" McDaniel went on to downplay the seriousness of the virus, accusing the government of using it as a scare tactic.

Soon after, McDaniel contracted the virus and passed away a month after posting his comments. Defending her late husband, McDaniel's wife, Lisa, now says he'd made some "early assumptions" about the coronavirus.

Did you fully grasp how serious the coronavirus is when you first heard about it? Do you think some of the demonstrators who have been protesting stay-at-home orders are going to end up like McDaniel?

Photo: Getty Images

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