You probably haven't given a single thought about your mailman amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis, but an 11-year-old Sioux Falls, South Dakota girl did.
"You may know me as the person that lives here that writes a lot of letters and decorated the envelopes too," Emerson wrote in a letter to her mailman Doug. "Well, I wanted to thank you for taking my letters and delivering them. You are very important in my life. I make people happy with my letters, but you do too."
Her letter was shared in a USPS internal newsletter - prompting postmasters all over the country to write back. She received them in a special package.
"The letters that Em got... really were extremely personal, they were vulnerable and they reflected this sense of being seen, maybe for the first time in a long time," her dad, Huge Weber told NPR.
When's the last time you've thanked your letter carrier? Have you ever thanked them? Do you even know their name?
Photo: Getty Images