Crystal Rosas

Crystal Rosas

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Watch: Oakland Based Production Company Unveils Touching 2020 Census Video

An Oakland based production company, Bone and Gold, shared this awesome video that explains how important it is for us, as American citizens and especially us minorities, to complete the 2020 US Census this year. Check it out below. Have you filled out the census this year? I encourage us all to take a few minutes to get it done especially us minorities!

Here are more details on other ways you can fill it out this year and why it's so vital that each of us get counted!

  • It's never been easier to respond on your own, either online, by phone, or by mail, without having to meet a census taker.
  • Takes only 10 minutes online
  • It's safe meaning your information will not be shared with any other government agencies
  • It means funding for your community for critical services like hospitals, health care, education, roads and more.
  • Despite the current circumstances, it’s important to remember that future funding for many of the critical healthcare and emergency services being used today will be determined by communities participating in the 2020 Census.

More information about this short film:

Previous population data surveys have identified Oakland, CA as one of the most diverse places in the United States. As a filmmaker, I wanted to represent my community in its entirety.

Like Oakland, our country is composed of every shade, creed, orientation, culture and religion. By offering a mirror so people can see themselves, and a window so people can see others, my hope is to encourage viewers to participate in THEIR census AND to encourage OTHERS as well.

Through powerful, inclusive imagery and moving multilingual voice over, this timeless message originally delivered by president Franklin Delenor Roosevelt, has a renewed opportunity to resonate within all viewers. By translating the message into some of the most widely-spoken languages across our country, our audience will have the opportunity to feel the impact of these powerful words in their own mother tongue, the emotional impact of which can not be overstated.

This film was conceptualized and executed during an unprecedented crisis, one that affected the filmmaking community, HTC communities and for perhaps the first time ever - every human on the planet. Now is the time to offer hope and that in light of these challenging times, we can find solace through art, but also words which unites us.

With the current unemployment rate exceeding 20% and 26.5 million jobs lost, the American people yearn for a renewed inspiration. Highly regarded as one of America’s greatest Presidents, Franklin Delenor Roosevelt led the country through the great depression and introduced the New Deal in response to the worst economic crisis in U.S. history. FDR’s fireside chat, originally delivered Sunday, November 14, 1937, is as relevant and universal now as it was then: only if we participate in the US Census count, will the government effectively be able to allocate much needed resources to the people it serves.

You can also follow the team who helped put this together here: Bone and Gold , Brandon Moore , and Roast n' Post Oakland

Photo: Getty Images

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