Crystal Rosas

Crystal Rosas

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Trump Supporters Seek $20M In Suit Against Cardi B and Sister

In an update to a story that broke early on Tuesday (September 22) Cardi B and sister, Hennessy Caroline are being sued for wrongly painting some beachgoers as bigots. 

According to Peter Caliendo, his wife Pauline Caliendo, and Manuel Alarcon, Hennessy and her girlfriend spit on and threatened them causing them fear, intimidation, emotional distress, depression, anxiety, humiliation, and mental anguish. They are seeking $20 million in damages. 

Cardi posted a video of the argument that was had between Hennessy, her girlfriend, the Caliendos’, and Alarcon. In the video, Cardi says her sister and girlfriend were told to “go back to their country,” and harassed by Caliendo and Alarcon because they were an “African/Hispanic gay couple.” 

“We are not racist. We are not homophobes. I am a Roman Catholic. I have no issues at all,” Peter Caliendo told reporters during a press conference. Caliendo claims his reputation is ruined and that they are the victims.

The suit says that Peter told Hennessy’s girlfriend, Michelle Diaz, that her car was blocking Alarcon’s vehicle, Alarcon, who was wearing a MAGA hat, told Diaz her car didn’t have a permit to park on the beach. Should you feel threatened if you see someone wearing a MAGA hat? 

Photo: Getty Images

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