Crystal Rosas

Crystal Rosas

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Grocery Store Opens Where Good Deeds Are Accepted As Payment

A feel good story coming out of a small town in Texas that is led by students.

A grocery store was launched last month so students could get necessary items like toilet paper, meat, and basic items. 

The students don't pay for purchases with money, but with earning points for good deeds.

The principal stated"In our school district, there's roughly 2,750 students enrolled and throughout the district 43% of these students are considered economically disadvantaged. We thought it was important to support them and their families and make sure they had food on the table."

The students manage the inventory, stock the shelves and bag the groceries. 

The good deed points are awarded for good performance in schools, mentoring elementary school students, and outstanding performance.

Do you have a feel good story that you want to share with us? Is this something that you think would work in your community?

Photo: Getty Images

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