Dreena Gonzalez

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Man Killed By Exploding Vape Pen

Vaping is labeled as a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes but a lot of studies about the side effects of using nicotine in any form continue to be published but now it looks like using vape pens might have another deadly side effect! A man in St. Petersburg was apparently killed after his vape pen exploded. 

The autopsy stated that shrapnel from the vape pen killed him and 80% of his body was burned. The explosion caused a fire inside his home. Officials say that exploding vape pens are rare but because of the shape they are like "exploding rockets" so they might cause some damage. Firefighters and Vape pen vendors say to make sure you maintain your lithium vape pen battery by keeping it clean. Just another reason to be mindful of the other dangers that accompany vaping. Will this stop anyone you know from puffing on their vape pen?

Image courtesy  www.vapour.co.uk/

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