If you haven't heard the latest news, Telemundo will be having a new series called "El Secreto De Selena" or "The Secret of Selena". This mini series will be an adaptation of the book by famous Telemundo journalist Maria Celeste Arraras who was present during the investigation and trial of Selena's murder.
The series will show events that fans did not know of leading up to Selena's death, including what happened during the day she was brutally shot. Selena Quintanilla's fan club president and murderer, Yolanda Saldivar, will be one of the main characters. Maria Celeste Arraras was one of the few journalists who was able to get exclusive interviews from Yolanda Saldivar while she was in jail in the late 90's.
Suzette Quintanilla, Selena's sister, put a video online of her disapproval of this book and show in 2017.
Maria Celeste is full of crap, your book is based on a whole bunch of lies... Your source is the person who killed, cold-heartedly murdered my sister, shot her in the back and left her to die.
Other family members have also spoken out about their disapproval. According to Maria Celeste, she has faced a lot of backlash from Selena Quintanilla's family for years after writing this book.
The series starts August 25th on Telemundo at 10pm/9c. If you don't speak spanish, the series will have english closed captioning. Check out the video below for a closer look at who will be playing the characters in this series.