Last week an 8th grade basketball team was riding BART when a grown man became upset and started to yell and harass them. A video of the incident taken by a father chaperoning the team was posted onto social media by one of the player's sibling.
According to the caption on the video, the man became upset when a few of the girls would not talk to him. The video shows the man yelling and calling the children vulgar names. Luckily, a few bystanders step in to tell the man to stop but he continues to yell and harass people.
BART Police is notorious for ignoring situations like these but always being present to catch fare evaders or harass people who may be homeless. Thankfully, the Twitter post of the footage got enough attention that BART responded to the tweet with an update saying they were handling the situation and are working to present a case to the DA.
Photo: Getty Images