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A Pleasanton Park Is Now Home To A Kobe Bryant Grass Field Mural

Bay Area couple Kelli Pearson and Pete Davis created an enormous grass mural at a park in Pleasanton, California in honor of Kobe Bryant.

Pearson and Davis spoke to ABC 7 News about how their "spur of the moment" tribute came to fruition. Because of their line of work, they knew they were the perfect people to do something in honor of the late basketball legend.

Pearson is a creative artist at New Ground Technology, a San Francisco based company that prints on turf. She created the design and Davis imprinted the graphic onto their air print TurfPrinter that uses GPS to create the 115 foot tall by 92-foot wide grass tribute.

"She woke up knowing we had to do something. We wanted to do something local," David said to ABC 7.

The mural is only visible from above ground and David and Pearson have chosen not to disclose its exact location to prevent too much foot traffic, but the mural is located in one of Pleasanton's parks. According to the couple, the mural will last around two days before it fades away and the grass returns to its natural state.

Photo: Getty Images

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