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Naomi Campbell And Erykah Badu Wear Hazmat Suits For Coronavirus Outbreak

With so much paranoia going on at airports. Everyone turned to Naomi Campbell after remembering videos of her sanitizing her area in the airplane. Many people have been flying with wipes doing the same.

Earlier this week, the super model took things a little further and was wearing a hazmat suit, gloves, mask, and goggles. Naomi Campbell made a video showing her journey from LA to New York and everything she does before a flight.

The mask, I started wearing in the 90's and the cleaning of the seat, I started doing about I'd say 17 years ago but its been a routine of mine for a very long time...Back in the day people used to really laugh at me and really speak under their breath 'like what is that girl doing she is ridiculous' now i'm not ridiculous.

Naomi Campbell also goes on saying she believes people should be wearing masks even though the CDC says's it's not required. People can spread germs when they sneeze and cough even while covering their mouth. I think we can all learn something from Naomi Campbell about staying healthy during these times.

Erykah Badu also recently went on a flight wearing a hazmat suit, except hers was a little more fashionable. She calls it social distancing couture,

Social Distancing Couture by E.Badu
Bootleg Hazmet .

The suit she wore was spray painted with the Louis Vuitton logo that matched her bag.

Both of these women are staying 'woke' during this outbreak. Are you taking precaution like Naomi Campbell or are you waiting to rock the latest social distancing couture?


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