If you grew up in a Mexican household you probably know of the game Loteria. Loteria, or lottery, is basically Mexican bingo. With all the commotion of the coronavirus, this company decided to add a twist to the game and put out Loteria Cuarentena or Quarantine Lottery.
The game features recent pop culture references like Tiger King and coronavirus essentials like:
- Los Guantes(the gloves)
- El Papel De Baño (toilet paper)
- La Mascara (the mask
Which card will you need to cross off on your player card to win? Will it be La Bici, or maybe El Presidente! Bring home Mexico's favorite family game, but with a twist! The game features 54 custom designed and original playing cards and 10 player cards. Sorry, beans not included!
Get your Quarantine Loteria here and enjoy game night!