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Alameda Restaurant Spent Retirement Money to Keep Employees on Payroll

Every once in a while you hear a story that restores your faith in humanity. Here’s one that should do the same for you:

Ole’s Waffle Shop in Alameda has two amazing owners, Ken and Vickie Monize, who have been spending their retirement money to pay their employees amid the pandemic. 

The wonderful restaurant known for breakfast, has been operating for 48 years-- since 1972.

The pandemic has caused business to slow down, but all employees are receiving full-time pay as they were before. Ken and Vickie had $400,000 saved for a retirement home and decided to use it to keep their employees employed. They view them as family and take part in important milestones like their kid’s birthday parties.

The Monize’s hope to inspire others to do their part to help out those who care about them the most.

You can support them here!

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