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EMT Performs CPR On Man Who Died From COVID-19 Symptoms On Flight To LA

An EMT on a United Airlines flight from Orlando, Florida to LA ran to help a man dying on the plane after collapsing. The man collapsed on board hours after the plane took off needing CPR. The man's wife never mentioned her husband was suffering from COVID-19 and likely lied when checking into the flight. The EMT is now suffering from COVID-19 symptoms himself.

The EMT went to Twitter to say,

I knew the risks involved in performing CPR on someone that potentially has COVID but I made the choice to do so anyways. I spoke with the passengers wife about his medical history and she never mentioned he was positive, she said he was scheduled to have a test done in LA.

United Airlines plane with about 200 people had to make an emergency landing in New Orleans before making their way to Los Angeles.


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