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Students Petition For Safer COVID Protocols, Supplies & More In Oakland

Photo: Getty Images

Students in Oakland are petitioning for change when it comes to COVID protocols in the district.

According to KRON 4, students are requesting access to KN95 masks, weekly PCR/rapid testing and more outdoor spaces for students to eat their lunch, especially when it rains. If their demands are not met, students are asking for a switch to remote learning.

The deadline to meet their demands is January 17th. If the district does not comply, students plan to strike on January 21st.

Get more information here.

John Sasaki, the OUSD communications director, told KRON 4:

“The district is aware of a petition that some OUSD students are circulating. We share the students’ concern about the spike in omicron cases of covid-19. That concern is why we have distributed KN-95 and N-95 masks to all staff. We have also ordered enough KN-95 masks for all students. They will be distributed to students as soon as they are delivered. We have had the supplies for new covered eating spaces at dozens of schools, including new tables and shade structures, on order since, in some cases, last summer. Supply line issues have slowed their delivery significantly…We are already meeting, or are in the process of meeting, most of the demands noted in this petition. And we will continue to work towards fulfilling the rest in the coming weeks. “

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