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Happy Earth Day! Here's How You Can Celebrate In The Bay Area

Photo: Getty Images

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is a reminder to take care of our planet and here's how you could help! Here are some events happening around the Bay Area:


  • 4/22 - Youth Earth Rally, 10a @ UN Plaza
  • 4/22 - Planting Edibles and Native flowers at the Polish Club in the Mission District of San Francisco, 11a @ 3040 22ND ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA
  • 4/23 - Earth Day San Francisco, 10a @ Valencia St. & 19th, SF
  • 4/23 - Earth Day Rally 2022, 11a @ San Bruno City Park
  • 4/23 - Atherton Earth Day, 11a @ Holbrook-Palmer Park, Atherton


  • 4/22 - Oakland Earth Day Tree Planting, 9:30a @ Arroyo Viejo Recreation Center, Oakland
  • 4/23 - Trash to Treasure Earth Day Event, 11a @ Shattuck and 46th Ave, Oakland
  • 4/23 - Earth Day at Point Molate Beach Park, 11a @ Point Molate Beach Park, Richmond


  • 4/22 - Sam Liccardo Earth Day Recycling, 9:30 a.m. @ San Jose City Hall
  • *MONTH LONG* - SJSU Earth Month @ San Jose State University

*List courtesy of NBC Bay Area and

Photo: Getty Images

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