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When Your California Inflation Relief Payment Should Arrive

Photo: Getty Images

If you haven't received your California Inflation Relief Payment (also known as the Middle Class Tax Rebate), don't worry - there's still time!

Direct deposit payments started getting sent out at the beginning of October, but there's still a long way to go until everyone receives their check. The latest round of direct deposit payments started on Friday and will continue until November 14. If you're eligible for inflation relief payment and expecting a direct deposit, you should be getting it soon!

The first round of debit cards were also sent out last week and will continue to be sent out until November 5. Unlike direct deposit, debit cards are being sent out by last name. For those who are eligible AND received a Golden State Stimulus (GSS) payment last year, the schedule is as follows:

  • October 24 - November 5: Last names A-E
  • November 6 - November 19: Last names F-M
  • November 20 - December 3: Last names N-V
  • December 4 - December 10: Last names W-Z

If you did not receive a GSS payment, but are eligible for inflation relief, you can expect to receive payment:

  • After November 7: Last names A-L
  • After November 21: Last names M-Z

Payments range from $250 - $1,050 depending on your income and your 2020 taxes. Calculate your payment here.

See if you're eligible and get more information on the Inflation Relief Payment here.

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