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Here's What You Could Do If You Haven't Received Your CA Inflation Relief

Photo: Getty Images

Middle Class Tax Refunds, or more commonly known as California Inflation Relief payments, started going out in October, but many Californians are still waiting for their money!

According to the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), almost 7 million direct deposits and over 5.4 million debit cards have been issued. If you haven't received your California Inflation Relief payment, here are some things you could do, according to KTLA:

  1. Confirm you're eligible here and find out where you fit on the schedule (direct deposit, debit card, last name, etc). Get that information here.
  2. Call customer service if you believe you should have been paid already. Contact customer at 1-800-542-9332 and they should be able to give you more insight on your particular case.

Eligible recipients who are expecting a direct deposit should have already received their payment.

Debit cards are still in the process of being sent out according to last name. If you received the Golden State Stimulus last year, you should have already received a debit card in the mail. See the remaining debit card schedule for non-Golden State Stimulus recipients below:

  • Last names A-K: 12/5-12/17
  • Last names L-Z: 12/19-12/31
  • People who changed their banking information since filing their 2020 taxes: 12/17-1/14

All eligible recipients are scheduled to receive their payments by January 14, 2023.

Get more information here!

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