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You Could Cross Bay Area Bridges For FREE With New Toll Program

Photo: Getty Images

Crossing bridges in the Bay Area can be pretty pricey, but this new program can be a game changer if you qualify!

According to NBC Bay Area, some veterans will be able to cross state-owned bridges for FREE, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Bay Bridge, Dumbarton and Richmond-San Rafael bridges. To be eligible, veterans must have a license plate with Congressional Medal of Honor, Disabled Veteran, Legion of Valor, Pearl Harbor Survivor, Ex-Prisoner of War or Purple Heart.

Additionally, the Bay Area Toll Authority and the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District will also be implementing a fee waiver and clearing outstanding balances for "households with an income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level." According to NBC Bay Area, this would threshold would roughly be $55,000 for a family of 4.

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