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More California Inflation Relief Payments To Be Sent Out Through February

Photo: Getty Images

California is extending the deadline for Inflation Relief Payments!

According to KTLA, the last Inflation Relief Payments were originally supposed to wrap up by January 14th. However, payments will continue to be sent out until February 14th to eligible recipients who have changed banking information or addresses since 2020.

As of January 6th, 2023, over 7 million direct deposits and over 9.1 million debit cards have been issued to eligible California residents. If you are eligible and have not received your payment, the Franchise Tax Board recommends you contact customer service at 1-800-542-9332. You should receive your direct deposit 3-5 days after it has been issued. Debit cards typically take 2 weeks in the mail. Confirm your eligibility here.

Get more information here.

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