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San Francisco Prioritizes Safety For 2023 Lunar New Year Parade

Get ready to celebrate Lunar New Year in San Francisco's Chinatown this weekend!

Just weeks after the mass shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay, San Francisco is making safety a huge priority at this year's celebration. According to KRON 4, the San Francisco Police Department and Sheriff's Department will be out in full force.

"It’s important that you see us, not only in the parade but in the perimeter and the communities surrounding the parade so people understand that we’re out there and we’re there to support them," said San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott.

The parade is scheduled for Saturday, February 4th at 5:15pm and will happen rain or shine. Early arrival is highly suggested. This is a free event for all, but tickets must be purchased to sit on the bleachers. Bleacher tickets can be purchased here.

The 1.3 mile parade route begins at 2nd and Market Street, around Union Square and ends at Kearny St. and Columbus Ave. Viewers can check out the parade alongside any part of the route and behind the barricades. Public transportation suggested.

Get more information on the parade here!

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