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Free Lead Paint Remediation Program for Old Homes in San Mateo County

San Mateo County is taking a proactive approach to address the dangers of lead paint in old homes. Thanks to funding secured from a settlement with paint manufacturers, the county has partnered with local nonprofit Rebuilding Together Peninsula to launch a comprehensive lead paint remediation program. With a focus on residential housing, this initiative aims to remove harmful lead paint remnants from homes in San Mateo County.

San Mateo County, together with Santa Clara County, filed a lawsuit against former lead paint manufacturers back in 2000. The efforts have paid off, with the county securing $11.7 million in settlement funds.

Rebuilding Together Peninsula, a trusted local nonprofit organization, will lead the charge in the county's lead paint hazard remediation program. The first year of the program will focus on essential aspects such as planning, development, hiring, lead testing, and contracting. Following this prep phase, a pilot program will get underway, initially targeting three to five homes for lead paint removal and then as the program gains momentum, the county will aim to expand its efforts, extending free remediation services to 20 to 25 homes annually.

One of the most welcome and celebrated parts of this lead paint remediation program is that it is entirely free for homeowners. Property owners can participate voluntarily in the inspection and abatement program, ensuring the safety of their homes and the well-being of their families. By removing hazardous lead paint, homeowners can mitigate the health risks associated with lead exposure and contribute to creating healthier living environments.

San Mateo County estimates that more than 50,000 homes built before 1950 and over 150,000 houses constructed before the 1980s may have significant lead paint concerns. To address this issue systematically, the county will collaborate with Rebuilding Together Peninsula to establish criteria for selecting homes in need of remediation. Additional information regarding the selection process and eligibility will be provided as the program progresses.

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