A Florida man suffering from a pain in the butt has had to undergo surgery -- to remove a screwdriver from his rectum.
The painful-sounding tale appears in the medical journal The Annals of Medicine and Surgery. In it, doctors say they performed a cat scan on a 46-year-old patient who complained about pain in his lower back and pelvic area. The scan not only revealed a perforation in his rectum, but also the object that had caused it: a screwdriver. Removing it was no easy task, doctors wrote. In fact, the man now has to use a colostomy bag for the next year.
Although doctors' attempts to get an explanation for the screwdriver fell flat, they discovered the patient had a history of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. "This case highlights the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion when encountering psychiatric patients with nonspecific lower abdominal or anorectal pain," according to the report.
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